You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > System Administration > System Administration Features > Broadcasting Issues to Social Media (Overview)

Broadcasting Issues to Social Media (Overview)

FootPrints can be configured to post messages to your organization's Facebook page and/or Twitter feed about specific Issues affecting the entire organization. Once this is configured by the FootPrints System Administrator and Workspace Administrators, Agents can broadcast individual Issues from the Assignees and Notifications tab/section on the Create Issue and Edit Issue pages.

The following represents the user workflow from configuring the system to viewing Issues in social media:

System Administrator

  1. Create a FootPrints Facebook App for Your Organization
  2. Create a FootPrints Twitter App for Your Organization
  3. Connect Social Media Accounts to FootPrints
  4. Activate Social Media Accounts for a Workspace (by System or Workspace Administrators)
  5. Select User Roles Allowed to Broadcast Issues to Social Media (All Workspaces)


Workspace Administrators
  1. Activate Social Media Accounts for a Workspace
  2. Activate Social Media Accounts for a Workspace (by System or Workspace Administrators)

  3. Select User Roles Allowed to Broadcast Issues to Social Media (per Workspace)



  1. Broadcast an Issue to Social Media

