You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Agent Permission Options

Agent Permission Options

The permission options available for Agents can only be modified by an administrator.  The page from which these permissions are modified is accessed by selecting Administration | Workspace | User Roles or Administration | System | User Roles, then selecting an Agent role from the drop-down list, and then clicking the Edit Role Properties button.  This topic in the document describes the sections of the page and the options for each section.

  1. Read Permissions—These options determine which Issues the user can view and search in the Workspace. There are three options:
  2. Can only view their own assigned Issues—The user can only view Issues to which he is assigned.


Users can also always see Solutions and Customer Requests.

  1. Field Permissions
  1. Issue Creation—These options all concern Issue creation.
  2. Creating New Issues—This option determines if the user can create new Issues from scratch, including regular Issues and Quick Issues.
  3. Copy/Move Issues—If this is allowed, the user can copy Issues within the same Workspace or copy or move Issues to another Workspace.  This is useful in creating an Issue in which the information is repeated.
  4. Creating New Global Issues—If this is allowed, the user can create Global Issues for important or frequently reported Issues.
  1. Edit Permissions—These options relate to the editing of Issues, Requests, and other Issue types by the user.
  2. Editing Issues—Which Issues can the user edit:
  3. Can only edit their own assignments—The user can only edit Issues assigned to him.
  4. Can edit Issues that are assigned to their own Team—The user can edit Issues assigned to him and those assigned to his Team (if he belongs to a Team).
  5. Can edit any Issue without being assigned—The user can edit all Issues in the Workspace regardless of assignment.
  6. Editing Requests—The user can edit Customer Requests (those that haven't been assigned yet) without actually taking them (i.e., without assigning themselves).
  7. Editing Public Solutions—The user can edit existing Solutions in the public Knowledge Base.
  8. Editing Internal Solutions—The user can edit existing Solutions in the internal Knowledge Base.


The two previous options do not apply to Pending Solutions, only to published Solutions. Whether an Agent can edit a Pending Solution is based on whether the Agent is an Approver and whether the Agent is the one who submitted the Solution for approval.  Refer to Knowledge Base Approvals for more information.


If a user has edit rights to Issues, this overrides the Taking option.

  1. Knowledge Base—These options determine whether the user can create Solutions in the Knowledge Base. There are two types of Solution:  Public (which Customers and Agents can view) and internal (only Agent users can view)
  2. There are two permission options, one for each Solution type:
  3. Ability to add to the Public Knowledge Base
  4. Ability to add to the Internal Knowledge Base  
  5. For each type of Solution, there are three options plus another permission:
  6. Yes—User can create Solutions which are published immediately.
  7. Needs Approval—User can create Solutions, but they need to be approved by an Approver (an Administrator or other Workspace Member) before they can be published to the Knowledge Base.
  8. No—User cannot create Solutions of this type.
  9. Ability to change Status within pending Statuses—User can change the status within statuses that are pending but not approved.


If Needs Approval is selected for one of the Solution types, you must designate one or more Knowledge Base Approvers for the Workspace. This is done on the Workspace Administration | Knowledge Base page.

  1. Address Book—These permission options relate to creating and editing contacts in the FootPrints Address Book.


These options do not apply if an LDAP or SQL Address Book is used in the Workspace.

  1. Searching and Reporting—This set of permission options determines what access the user has to searches and reports. Depending on what is selected, the user's toolbar is updated to show only permitted report and query options. Also, the data returned in the searches and reports is determined by their Read Permissions (see above). The following options are available:
  2. Custom Reports     
  3. No Access—User cannot access custom reports.
  4. Personal Reports Only—User can create, run and save reports for himself, but has no access to Shared reported created by other users.
  5. Run Shared Reports Only—User cannot create, run, or save their own custom reports, but can run shared reported created by other users.
  6. Personal Reports (Full Access) and Run Shared Reports—User can create, run, and save their own custom reports and can run shared reported created by other users.
  7. Personal and Shared Reports Full Access—User can create, run, and save their own custom reports and can create, run and save shared reports for other users.


The data that is returned in these reports is based on the user's Read Permissions. For example, if the user can only view his own Team's Issues, any custom reports he runs (personal or shared) returns only his Team's data.


This option applies to the current workspace. If Cross-workspace Reports are not allowed for the user in the current Workspace but are allowed in another one of his workspaces, the user can run a cross-workspace report from the other Workspace that contains data from this Workspace.


The data that is returned in these searches is based on the user's Read Permissions. For example, if the user can only view his own Team's Issues, any custom searches he runs (personal or shared) only returns his Team's data.


This option is not dependent on the user's Read Permissions. The user can access all data in the Workspace for Metric reports.

  1. Time Tracking
  2. See Time Tracking Info for Other Users—User has access to time tracking information for other internal users.
  3. See Rate and Cost Info—User has access to rate and cost information for other internal users.
  4. Edit existing Time Tracking entries—Choices are Allowed or Not Allowed.
  5. Change Manager
  6. View change management history and run change management reports—The user has access to the change management history information and can run change management reports.
  7. Ability to override approval/disapproval voting—The user can override the votes in any phase of any change management process and end the phase immediately.  This removes the override ability from the Issue pages, but Workspace Administrators can still override votes by selecting Administration | Workspace | Change Manager, then selecting the Issue Approval States link on the Change Management page, and then selecting a voting option from the drop-down menu in the Override column of the table.  This Workspace Administration function is not a true voting function, but an administration function to move an Issue within a phase.
  8. CMDB and Service Catalog—This option is only available if Configuration Manager has been enabled for this FootPrints installation.
  9. Allow to propose a new CI linked to a Issue—If set to Yes, the agent can propose that a new CI be created via the Change Manager approval process.
  10. Allow to propose changes to a CI linked to a Issue—If set to Yes, the agent can propose changes to a CI via the Change Manager process.
  11. CMDB Access: Display CMDB link in workspace toolbar—Display a link to the CMDB in the toolbar (like the New Issue or Reports links). Otherwise, the link is displayed in the menu under the More link in the toolbar.
  12. Service Catalog Access: Display Service Catalog link in workspace toolbar (if Service Catalog is enabled)—Display a link to the Service Catalog in the toolbar (like the New Issue or Reports links). Otherwise, the link is displayed in the menu under the More link in the toolbar.
  13. Miscellaneous
  14. Instant Talk—If Instant Talk is enabled for the Workspace and this option is enabled, the user can initiate a chat session with other users.
  15. Remote Manager—If this add-on module is licensed, enable or disable the use of it for the role.
  16. Workspace Administration—Workspace Administration rights can optionally be given to the users of this custom role.
  17. Workspace Administration Rights Checkboxes—Check the boxes to specify the functions that this role can administer as a Workspace Administrator.
  18. Address Book Administration—Use can perform Address Book administration functions.
  19. Workspace Calendar—User can create and edit appointments in the Workspace Calendar. Users can always create and edit appointments in their Personal Calendars. In addition, users can edit an appointment in the Workspace Calendar if they are an invitee of the appointment, regardless of this permission option.
  20. Change Personal Preferences—Select Yes to allow users with this role to set their own password, time zone, date format, screen size setting, and language and delete their login cookie from the Preferences page or choose No to deny the privilege.
  21. FootPrints Sync—Select whether users with this role can download the FootPrints Sync client.
  22. Homepage Dashboard—Specify the maximum number of dashboard components for Agents in this Workspace. The maximum number that an administrator can specify is 10 and the minimum is 1.
  23. Social Media
  24. See Select User Roles Allowed to Broadcast Issues to Social Media (per Workspace) and Select User Roles Allowed to Broadcast Issues to Social Media (All Workspaces).

When you are satisfied with the permissions selected for the role, enter your password and click Save.  All users who are assigned the role inherit the permissions defined.