You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Field Permissions for Custom Fields

Field Permissions for Custom Fields

Field permissions allow the administrator to set permissions to apply to specific user roles.  This feature allows more granular control, allowing fields to be visible or invisible, read-only or read/write, and optional or mandatory for users with the specified role.

To set field permission for custom fields:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace from the FootPrints toolbar, select User Roles under the Roles section of the main frame, then select a role from the Roles drop-down.  The User Role Properties page is displayed.
  2. Select a custom field from the drop-down field.  The section expands and displays the current permissions for the field.
  3. Permission settings are listed below. The selected permission applies to the specified Status when permissions are displayed in advanced view. It applies to all permissions when displayed in basic view.
  4. Hidden—Users cannot view the field
  5. Read only—Users can view but not edit the field
  6. Optional—Users can view and edit the field, but are not required to populate the field
  7. Required—Users can view and edit the field, and are required to populate the field
  8. Use Default Permissions—This option allows you to reset the permissions of the selected field to use the default permissions defined in Form Designer. It removes any custom permissions that were defined in this role. After saving this page, the role's properties will then display the default permissions for the field. For more information on the default permissions in Form Designer, see the Permissions and Access section of the field type topics, such as in the Single-line Character topic.
  9. Additional options in the Field Permissions section are:
  10. Summary—Click the Summary button to display a table showing the field permissions for all fields and statuses.
  11. Cancel All Changes—Click the Cancel All Changes button to cancel all changes you have made for all fields.
  12. Cancel Changes to This Field—Click the Cancel Changes to This Field button to cancel changes you have made for this field only.
  13. To set permissions for additional fields, select a new field from the Field drop-down list and then follow the instructions above.
  14. When you have finished making all of your changes to this page, scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your password, then click Save to save the changes.