You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Other Options > Using Knowledge Base Approvals

Using Knowledge Base Approvals

Agents can be required to receive approval before their Solutions are published.  This is configured by the Workspace Administrator.  Refer to Knowledge Base Role Permissions for Agents for instructions.

Once approvals are configured for at least one user role, the approval process is in place automatically.  The workflow of the Knowledge Base approval process is fixed and includes automatic email notification, new options for Solutions for the approvers, and two new special Statuses:  Pending Internal Solution and Pending Public Solution.

Approval Workflow

  1. When an Agent who requires approval creates a new Solution, the Solution automatically receives the Pending Internal Solution or Pending Public Solution status (depending on the Solution type).
  2. All Knowledge Base approvers for the Workspace receive an email notifying them that there is a new Public or Internal Solution requiring approval.
  3. Approvers can view the pending Solution by selecting Pending Internal Solutions or Pending Public Solutions from the Display drop-down list on their homepage.  These queues are listed under the Knowledge Base heading in the Display drop-down.
  4. The approver can view the Details of the Solution by selecting the Solution number or Title from the list.
  5. The Details of the pending Solution include the Title, the Description, the name of the Submitter, and any other field data.
  6. The approver also gets three approval buttons for the pending Solution:
  7. Approve—This changes the status to Public Solution or Internal Solution (depending on the type).  For Public Solutions, the Solution is displayed to all users who have access to that Knowledge Base.  The Solution is no longer listed in the pending Solutions queue.
  8. Edit and Approve—If selected, the Edit Solution page is displayed. The approver can make any changes desired to the Solution.  Once the approver clicks Save, the Solution changes status and is published to the correct Knowledge Base (as described above).
  9. Disapprove—If selected, the Disapprove Pending Solution page is displayed. The approver can give a reason for the rejection.  The Submitter receives an email notification of the rejection, with the reason for the rejection.  This reason is also written to the History of the Solution, but not to the Description.
  1. When a Solution is rejected, the Submitter receives an email with the reason given for the rejection.  The Agent can view the Solution by selecting Pending Internal Solutions or Pending Public Solutions from the Display drop-down list on his homepage.  These queues are listed under the Knowledge Base heading in the Display drop-down.  The Agent only sees pending Solutions that the Agent personally submitted.
  2. The Submitter now edits the Solution, based on the comments made by the approver.  Once the update is submitted, the approver receives an email notification and the workflow continues until the approver selects Approve for the pending Solution.

Once a Solution is approved, the status is changed to Public Solution or Internal Solution (depending on the type).  For Public Solutions, the Solution is displayed to all users who have access to the Knowledge Base (all Agents and any customers who have access to the Public Knowledge Base).  For Internal Solutions, the Solution is available to all Agents.  The Solution is no longer listed in the Pending Solutions queue.