You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Other Options > KB Role Permissions for Agents

Knowledge Base Role Permissions for Agents

To limit users from creating Solutions or to require them to first get approval, you must change the permissions for the users' Role.

To configure Knowledge Base permissions for a User Role:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace | User Roles from the FootPrints Toolbar.
  2. Select the role from the drop-down and click Edit Role Properties.
  3. If you have never configured roles for this Workspace, you can select the default Agent role to apply the permission to all Agents in the Workspace.
  4. If you have one or more custom roles, you can choose to apply the permission to one or more roles.
  5. If you would like to require only certain Agents to get approval to publish Solutions, and you've never configured roles, you can create a new role and then apply it to those users.  Refer to User Roles for complete information.
  6. In the Knowledge Base section of the Agent Role Properties page, there are two permission options:
  1. Ability to add to the Public Knowledge Base—For creating Public Solutions.
  2. Ability to add to the Internal Knowledge Base—For creating Internal Solutions.
  1. For each type of Solution, there are three options:
  2. Yes—User can create Solutions that are published immediately.
  3. Needs Approval—User can create Solutions, but they must be approved by an approver (an administrator or other Workspace member designated as an approver; refer to Selecting approvers for more information) before they can be published to the Knowledge Base.
  4. No—User cannot create Solutions of this type.
  1. If Needs Approval is selected for one of the Solution types for at least one role, then you must designate one or more Knowledge Base Approvers for the Workspace. This is done on the Workspace Administration | Knowledge Base page (see below).
  2. In the Edit section of the Roles page, there are two additional permission options for Solutions:


These two options do not apply to approvals of pending Solutions, only to published Solutions. Whether or not a user can edit a pending Solution is based on whether the user is an approver and whether the user is the one who submitted the Solution for approval.

  1. When you are finished changing the Knowledge Base permissions, scroll down to the bottom of the screen, enter your password, and click GO.


The permissions selected above only apply to creating and editing Solutions.  Agents can always view and search the Knowledge Base, both Internal and Public.