You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Fields > Special Features

Special Features

The Special Features section of the Palette allows the administrator to add the Submission Tracking field to a tab and to add Custom HTML.


Submission Tracking

Submission Tracking allows you to track the medium by which issues in a FootPrints workspace are received. When this feature is enabled, it creates a special field that is used to track how Issues are submitted in FootPrints.  This field cannot be edited by customers; it is a read-only field whose value is automatically set by the system for Web, Web-Auto Suggest, and Email.  If custom values are defined, the agent can select a value when creating an issue (the default value is Phone). The field can be included in reports, searches, and escalation rules. The feature allows for the medium to be recorded as follows:

Adding the Submission Tracking Field

To add a Submission Tracking field to a tab, drag and drop "Submission Tracking" from the Palette to the location where you want it to appear on the tab.

Setting Properties

When you drag and drop a Submission Tracking field into the Canvas, the Properties window is displayed.


Click a section heading to expand or collapse the section. Enter values into the fields as follows:

Editing, Moving, or Deleting the Field

To edit the field properties, from the Form Designer, hover over the field and click on the edit icon.

To move the field, from the Form Designer, hover over the field, click on the move icon, hold down the mouse button, and drag the field to the location in which you want it displayed.

To delete the field, from the Form Designer, hover over the field and click on the trash can icon. Deletion is not permitted if a field is part of some other feature (such as a field dependency). In those instances, the relationship between the field and the other feature must first be severed before the field can be deleted.


Deleted data fields are no longer viewable, and FootPrints forms no longer contain that field.  The column is also deleted from the database and the data is no longer accessible.  To undelete a field (assuming you've made a backup of your database), contact BMC for instructions.

Changing the Field Name

You can change the field name from the Form Designer without going into the Properties window.  To do so, click in the field name from the Form Designer. The name is highlighted. Type the new name into the field.

Custom HTML

The workspace administrator can include instructions or other information in the Create Issue, Edit Issue, Detail, and Submit Request pages. You can optionally insert HTML or text headers above any field or row of fields, including custom Issue fields, custom Address Book fields, and Attachments.

In addition, if any of the fields are set to be hidden fields, you can choose to display the HTML/text header even if the field is hidden, for instances when:

To Insert Custom HTML:

  1. Drag and drop "Custom HTML" from the Palette to the location where you want it to appear on the tab.


  1. Click a section heading to expand or collapse the section. Enter values into the fields as follows:


Editing, Moving, or Deleting the Field

Changing the Custom HTML Name

You can change the Custom HTML name from the Form Designer without going into the Properties window.  To do so, click in the Custom HTML name from the Form Designer. The name is highlighted. Type the new name into the field.


Link Custom HTML to a URL

When the following sample Javascripts are entered in the HTML Editor, theCustom HTML becomes a link to the URL and the data in the field is passed to the URL.

The following script works for drop-down fields only. The following sample script uses a field named "Product" for this example. Use your own field name in place of the word "Product", "url =" must point to the URL to which you want to pass the value, and use the "+prod" where you want to place the value of the field into the URL.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function ProductInfo(){var prod=document.regform.Product.options[document.regform.Product.selectedIndex].value; var url = '/MRcgi/'+prod; var;}</SCRIPT><a href=javascript:ProductInfo();>Click for Product info</a>

The following field works for single-line character fields only. The example field name is "Company Documentation", and the value of variable "CompanyVal" is what is passed from the text field. Again, "url =" must point to the URL to which you want to pass the value.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function CompanyInfo(){ var CompanyVal =document.regform.Company__bDocumentation.value; var url = '/tmp/Attachments/Workspace7/' + CompanyVal; var;}</SCRIPT><a href=javascript:CompanyInfo();>Click for Document</a>