You are here: Chapter 9: Advanced Features > Advanced Issue Types > Master Quick Issues > Master Quick Issue

Master Quick Issue

Sometimes an Issue should be split into separate Subtasks with different properties, perhaps to be completed by different users.  For example, the process to set up a new employee may consist of many steps, each performed by a different user. FootPrints Master Issue/Subtasks allow you to create parent-child relationships between Issues for complex processes, such as the new hire process, change management, and more.  Subtasks can be created manually by an Agent or can be created automatically by a Master Quick Issue Template.

This feature combines two other features of FootPrints: Quick Issue templates and Master Issues/Subtasks.  This topic describes how to set up Master Quick Issue templates.  For more information on Master Issues and Subtasks, refer to Subtasks. For more information on creating, managing and using single Quick Issue templates, refer to Quick Issues.


Creating Master Quick Issue Templates

Master Quick Issue templates are created by the Workspace Administrator.  To create a template, select Administration | Workspace from the FootPrints Toolbar, then select Quick Issue under the Automated Tasks section of the Workspace Administration page. The second section on this page is entitled Manage Master Quick Issue Templates. From here, you can create, edit, and delete Master Quick Issue and Subtask Templates.

Creating a Master Quick Issue template involves multiple steps.  First you create a Master Issue template.  This is the template that is available on the FootPrints Toolbar that Agents use to create a new Master Quick Issue. You also design one or more Subtask templates associated with the Master Issue.  When an Agent creates an Issue with a Master Quick Issue template, the subtasks are created automatically by the system.

The Master Quick Issue templates section contains two dialog boxes:

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