You are here: Chapter 9: Advanced Features > Advanced Issue Types > Master Quick Issues > Delete Master and Subtask Templates

Delete Master and Subtask Templates

Master Quick Issue and Subtask templates can be deleted at any time.  After deletion, the template is removed from the FootPrints Toolbar, but old Master Issues and Subtasks created with the template are not affected.

To delete a Master Quick Issue template:

  1. Highlight the template in the Master Templates field, select the Delete radio button to the right of the box, and click GO.
  2. A dialog box appears prompting you to confirm the deletion.  Click OK to continue or Cancel to cancel the deletion.
  3. The template is removed. The Quick Issue Administration page is displayed. The template is removed from the FootPrints Toolbar.  If it was the only template, the Quick Issue option is also removed from the FootPrints Toolbar.  Associated Subtasks are also automatically deleted.

To delete a Subtask template:

  1. Highlight the related Master template in the Master Templates field. The associated Subtasks appear in the Subtask Templates field below.
  2. In the Subtask Templates field, select the desired Subtask, select the Delete radio button to the right of the box, and click GO.
  3. A dialog box appears prompting you to confirm the deletion. Click OK to continue or Cancel to cancel the deletion.
  4. The Subtask template is removed.  The Quick Issue Administration page is displayed. The Subtask is no longer associated with the Master Quick Issue template. Other Subtask templates associated with the Master Quick Issue are not affected.