You are here: Chapter 9: Advanced Features > Advanced Issue Types > Master Quick Issues > Using Master Quick Issue Templates

Using Master Quick Issue Templates

Master Quick Issue templates can be used by all Agents in a Workspace to open complex Issues quickly, with information pre-filled for that Issue type.  Related Subtasks are created by the system automatically. Agents only need to enter the customer's contact data and complete any mandatory fields that are not already set by the template.  This is a useful time saver to quickly handle common or repetitive multi-step Issues, such as the new hire process, change management approvals, etc.

When at least one Quick Issue template has been created by the Workspace Administrator, the Quick Issue option is included on the FootPrints Toolbar for Agents in the Workspace.  Master Quick Issue templates are listed in the same section.

Subtasks can be sequenced for Master Quick Issue Templates. This means that an order for closing the subtasks can be designated and the next subtask in the sequence cannot be closed or edited until the current subtask has been closed. Subtask sequencing can be specified by an administrator or, with appropriate permissions, by an Agent on the Details page of a Master Quick Issue. A Master Quick Issue must have at least two subtasks in order to specify sequencing. The procedure for specifying a subtask sequence is below.

To use a Master Quick Issue template, follow the same procedure as for using a Quick Issue (refer to Using Quick Issue Templates). When you have completed the procedure, the Master Issue is created and is automatically added to the queue of the Agent(s) assigned to the Master Issue. One or more associated subtasks are also created automatically and assigned to the appropriate users. For example, the Network Administrator is assigned to create a new network ID for the employee, the Telephony Administrator is assigned to get the employee a new phone, and the Inventory Control team is assigned to get the user a new PC. If the email setting was set to email the assignees and/or customer, email notifications are also sent for the Master Issue and Subtasks.


The name of this feature depends on the name given to records in FootPrints for the system/Workspace.  For example, if the name "Call" has been defined for records in the current Workspace, the feature is called "Master Quick Call" throughout the Workspace (on the Toolbar, in the administration pages, etc.)  For consistency, all help files refer to the feature as "Master Quick Issue".

Issues created with the Master Quick Issue template are like any other regular Master Issue once they have been created.  They can be edited, deleted, re-assigned, etc.  Escalation rules apply to them as to any other Issue.  Closure of the Master Issue is regulated by the Subtask Closure Process rule set by the Workspace Administrator.

To learn more about Master Issues and Subtasks, refer to Subtasks.

Specifying a Subtask Sequence from a Master Issue Details Page

You can specify a sequence for closing subtasks once you have created a Master Issue. In order to specify sequencing, the Master Issue must have at least two subtasks linked to it and the Agent must have role permission to specify sequencing. If you want to specify sequencing but cannot do it, check with your Workspace or System Administrator to determine whether you have permission.

To specify a subtask sequence from a Master Issue Details page:

  1. Select the Master Issue Details page.
  2. Select the tab for Related Issues.
  3. Click the "Check this box to allow sequencing of Subtasks" checkbox. Drop-down boxes are displayed in the section for you to specify the sequence.
  4. Use the drop-down boxes next to the subtask names to set the sequence. You can specify more than one subtask with the same number. If you do so, then either of the equivalent subtasks can be closed ahead of the other, but any subtasks that have been set to higher numbers must still wait until the subtasks with equivalent numbers have been closed. For example, you could have the first two subtasks set to "1", which means either can be closed first, but both must be closed before the subtask set to "2" can be edited or closed.
  5. When you have specified the order for all of the subtasks, click the Update Subtask Sequencing button. The sequence is saved and will be enforced by FootPrints. The Quick Issue Template page is displayed.

Remove Subtask Sequence

To remove the sequencing of subtasks from a Master Issue Details page:

  1. Select the Master Issue Details page.
  2. Select the section or tab for Related Issues.
  3. Make sure the "Check this box to allow sequencing of Subtasks" checkbox is not checked and then click the Remove Subtask Sequencing button. The sequence is removed and the page is redisplayed.