You are here: Chapter 9: Advanced Features > Advanced Issue Types > Master Quick Issues > Create Subtask Templates

Create Subtask Templates

After the Master Issue template is created, one or more Subtask templates can be created. Subtasks inherit field values from their master issues when they are created from the interface without using these templates. That is, if an agent makes an issue into a master issue while working within the interface and then creates a subtask to that issue, the subtask inherits field values from the master issue. Subtask templates work a little differently. A checkbox is provided for the administrator to determine which fields are inherited from the master issue template. In this way, some fields can be excluded or specifically included in the subtask template.

Workspace administrators can globally instruct subtasks to inherit values from master issues by selecting the inheritance fields on the Issue Workflow page (refer to Issue Workflow for details). If a subtask template is created and a value is specified for a certain field but that field is also set to inherit its value from a master issue, the subtask is created with the value of that field inherited from the master issue, not from the template. If the same situation occurs but there is no value in the master issue for that field, the field gets its value from the subtask template.

To create a subtask:

  1. In the Master Templates field, highlight the Master Issue template for which you would like to create Subtasks.
  2. To the right of the Subtask Template field, select the radio button for Create a New Subtask Template, enter the name of the Subtask template and click GO.  For example, to create a Subtask to assign a network ID to a new hire, enter the name Create ID.  The field is limited to 20 characters. This restriction does not apply to the Title field when you complete fields in the actual template.
  3. The Create Subtask Quick Issue Template page is displayed. This page is similar to the regular Create Issue page, but with fewer fields.  Address Book fields, time tracking, etc. are filled in by the Agent when a Master Issue is created with the template.
  4. Enter data into the fields as needed. To speed workflow, you can elect to retain values that are in the master issue template in the subtask template. Those values will be in the selected field when the subtask is created. To do so, check the Inheritance Checkbox at the beginning of each field for which you wish to retain the master issue template value. The available fields are:
  1. When all fields that you want pre-filled have been completed, click GO.
  2. The template is created. The  Quick Issue Administration page is displayed.  From here, you can create additional Subtask templates for the Master Issue.
  3. To create additional Subtasks, repeat steps 1-6 above. An unlimited number of Subtask templates can be created.