You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > System Administration > Users > Create or Edit a User

Create or Edit a User

Create a User

System administrators can create a new user and assign the new user any role or privileges, including creating additional System Administrators. To create a new user from the System Administration page:

  1. Select Administration | System from the FootPrints Toolbar, then select User Management from the Users section of the main frame. The User Management page is displayed.
  2. On the Create or Edit User tab, click the Create New User radio button.
  3. Enter the information for the new user:
  1. Enter the Workspaces to which this user belongs by highlighting the Workspace in the Available Workspaces field and using the arrow buttons to move the highlighted Workspaces into the Selected Workspaces field. The user will have access to Selected Workspaces. If you accidentally move an incorrect Workspace into the Selected Workspaces field, use the left arrow to move the Workspace out of the field.
  2. Click the Save button to save the user information. As soon as you have saved the information, that user has access to the specified FootPrints Workspaces.

Edit a User 

System administrators can edit an existing user to change the user's information. To edit an existing user from the System Administration page:

  1. Select Administration | System from the FootPrints Toolbar, then select User Management from the Users section of the main frame. The User Management page is displayed.
  2. On the Create or Edit User tab, click the Edit User radio button. The page displays a list of users, as well as fields to filter the users. The drop-down fields and checkbox are as follows:
  1. When you have finished setting up the filter to obtain the users list, click the Load button. The list of users is redisplayed, filtered as you have specified.
  2. If you know the User ID of a specific user whom you wish to edit, you can enter that ID in the User ID field and then click the Find button. The user information for the specified user is displayed in the fields below the list of users. You can sort the
  3. To edit a user in the list, click on the user's entry. The fields below the user list are populated with that user's information. Change the information as needed.
  1. To add the user to a Workspace or Workspaces, highlight the Workspace(s) in the Available Workspaces field and using the arrow button to move the highlighted Workspaces into the Selected Workspaces field. To remove the user from a Workspace or Workspaces, highlight the Workspace(s) in the Selected Workspaces field and then click the left arrow.
  2. Click the Save button to save the user information. As soon as you have saved the information, that user has access to the specified FootPrints Workspaces.