You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > System Administration > Users > Add Users to Workspaces

Add Users to Workspaces

Most user administration tasks are performed from the Workspace Administration Screen.  The Add Users to Workspaces section of the System Administration User Management page is a convenient place to add large numbers of users to multiple workspaces.

The general form of this procedure is to:

The detailed procedure is as follows:

  1. Select Administration | System from the FootPrints Toolbar, then select User Management from the Users section of the main frame.
  2. Select the Add Users to Workspaces tab. The page displays a list of users, as well as drop-down fields and a checkbox to help filter the users. The drop-down fields and checkbox are as follows:

These filters all work together. For example, if you select a User Name of "Don", a Display of "Fixed Agents", check the "not in" checkbox, and specify the Corporate Service Desk workspace, the list will display the user IDs of users with "Don" in their user name who have fixed licenses and are not in the Corporate Service Desk workspace.

  1. When you have finished setting up the filter to obtain the users list, choose the users to be added to Workspaces. To do so, highlight the user(s) in the list, then click the right arrow button to move the highlighted user(s) into the Selected Users field. To remove a user from the Selected Users field, highlight the user in the Selected Users field and then click the left arrow.
  2. Click the Load Workspaces button. A list of Available Workspaces is displayed, as well as an empty Selected Workspaces field.
  3. Select the Workspaces to which the user(s) are to be added. To do so, highlight the Workspace(s) in the list, then click the right arrow button to move the highlighted Workspace(s) into the Selected Workspaces field. To remove a Workspace from the Selected Workspaces field, highlight the Workspace in the Selected Workspaces field and then click the left arrow. FootPrints displays the Workspaces at the bottom of the page. You can continue to add or remove Workspaces as desired until the list of Workspaces is satisfactory.
  4. Optionally, you can select a default Workspace for the users you have added. Because this page allows you to add existing users to Workspaces, and those users may already have a default Workspace, it is not required that you designate a default Workspace. To designate a default Workspace for all of the Selected Users, click the radio button beside the Workspace name under the Default Workspace heading. All of the users are then assigned the specified Workspace as their default (the Workspace they are shown first when they log into FootPrints). If any of the users already have a default Workspace, that Workspace is changed to the one selected by the system administrator.
  5. Specify a role for the users you have added in each of the Workspaces. To specify a role for all of the Selected Users, select the role in the drop-down field below the Role heading in each Workspace. All of the Selected Users are assigned the selected role in each Workspace.
  6. Optionally, you can designate a Supervisor in each of the Workspaces for the users you have added. To designate a Supervisor, select the Supervisor from in the drop-down field below the Supervisor heading in each Workspace. All of the Selected Users are assigned the selected Supervisor(s) in each Workspace.
  7. Once you have specified all of the values for the users, click the Save button. The users are added to the Workspaces with the properties you have assigned.