You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Using Teams

Using Teams

Once Teams are configured, it affects the Assignees field throughout FootPrints, including on the Create and Edit Issue pages, the Search and Report pages, and the Escalation page.  Agents are now organized by Team in those dialogs and Issues can be assigned to both Teams and individual users.


Some Features of Teams

Assignment with Teams

To assign an Issue to a Team or user when Teams are enabled:

  1. On the Create Issue page, each Team is listed in the Workspace Members field.  Select a Team to expand it.  The first option is always to Assign Team. All Team members are listed under this option.
  2. To assign the Issue:
  3. only to the Team, select Assign Team and click the right arrow. The Team name is now listed under Assignees.
  4. to a user from the Team, select the user's name and click the right arrow. Notice that the Team name is now listed under Assignees and the user's name is listed, indented, under the Team name.


Multiple users can be assigned from the same Team.

  1. To assign users from another Team, click the Team name again in the left field to shrink the list, then select another Team to expand it and assign users from the new Team.

In addition to being listed under their Teams, all Workspace members are listed under the heading of Individual Users. Assign a user from this heading when you want to assign an Issue without it showing up as an assignment for a Team. Users who are not members of any Team are also listed here.

While a user can belong to multiple Teams, he can only be assigned to an Issue individually once.


Other Assignment Options

In addition to the manual assignment described above, a number of options are available for assignment of Issues to Teams and Users:


These options are not applied until the Issue is actually submitted. Refer to Creating Teams for more information.