You are here: Chapter 2: Key Concepts > User Types and Roles > How Roles and Teams Work Together

How Roles and Teams Work Together

Roles and teams are two user elements in FootPrints that work together:

For example, while the "Level 1 Support Team" may be made up of five users, one of those users might be the team leader and the other four are support technicians.  All five users share the same "Level 1 Support Team", but the team leader can be assigned the "Team Leader" role and the other members can be assigned the "Technician" role.  This distinction is illustrated in the following table:




Jill Smith

Level 1 Support Team


Linda Thompson

Level 1 Support Team


Bill Jones

Level 1 Support Team


Jose Gomez

Level 1 Support Team


Brian Patel

Level 1 Support Team


In this example, when someone assigns an Issue to the Level 1 Support Team, all five members receive an email notification and the Issue appears in the Team Assignment queue.  Although the Technician role may not allow those users to take the Issue, the Team Leader role allows Jill to assign the Issue to one of the Technicians on the team. In addition, the Technicians may be restricted to only viewing Issues for their own team, while Jill could view the Issues for all teams in the Workspace.

Teams can be organized for different functions, departments, groups, etc.  Roles can be configured to give as much or as little access as desired for a group of users.

Other Aspects of Roles and Teams