If incoming email is configured, both Agents and customers can submit Issues to the system via email. Information can be included in the subject and body of a regular email or a form can be requested (refer to HTML Form). Each Workspace can have its own email address (support@mycompany.com, development@mycompany.com, etc.)
In addition to configuring an incoming email account for the Workspace, the Workspace Administrator must specifically allow Request and Issue creation through email. Otherwise, only updates to Issues are allowed through the email interface. This option is enabled by default.
To allow incoming email submission:
As an Agent, the following information can be included in an email to FootPrints. Please check with your administrator for the correct address.
When Agents and administrators send email to the designated FootPrints account, the email becomes an Issue. FootPrints detects that the user is an Agent/administrator by the email address and automatically assigns that user to the Issue. Submissions by Agents/administrators are formatted the same way as incoming email from customers.
To submit Workspace or Address Book field information:
The Workspace field data must be in the form:
problem type=software
By default, FootPrints assumes that the data is contained on one line only. For multi-line data, the form is:
END fieldname
To specify a value for a checkbox field, use the words specified for the checkbox, i.e., On and Off (which default to On and Off, but can be changed). For example, if you have a field called Customer Satisfied and the checkbox values are Yes and No, to indicate that the checkbox is checked, include Customer Satisfied=Yes in the body of the email.
Data submitted to checkbox or multi-select fields is validated against the permitted data values for those fields; incoming emails are rejected if the data values are not in the list. example: the field 'Color' has values 'red', 'blue' and 'green' in the workspace. If the incoming email has a line of 'Color = black', this email will be rejected.
Multi-select fields with multiple values must be semi-colon delimited. For example: 'Colors i like = red;green;blue'
where n is the Workspace number. You can obtain the Workspace number by submitting the listprojects email query.
When populating date and date/time fields in email, the field data should be provided according to the user's date format: American, European, or ISO. If the user has not set a format for himself or herself, then the data should be provided in the format of the system default. For date/time fields, enter the time in the form hh:mm. That is, after the date is entered (e.g., 03/04/2017), leave a space and then enter the time (e.g., 03/04/2017 14:45). When submitting a time via email, it is always submitted using a 24-hour clock.
Incoming email requests are checked for errors by FootPrints. Data that is incorrectly formatted is not lost; it is added to the Description. For example, if the name of a Workspace field is misspelled, that line is placed in the Description of the request. FootPrints also checks for invalid data. For example, if text is submitted for an integer type field, FootPrints does not create the request and replies to the user with an error message email.