You are here: Chapter 9: Advanced Features > Email Management > Using FootPrints Email > HTML Form


An HTML form containing the appropriate fields for a particular Workspace and the user’s permission level can be obtained by sending an email to the incoming email account for that Workspace with the subject: HTML form.  This allows any user with access to a Workspace to submit an Issue, without logging into FootPrints, from any email package that supports HTML, including Microsoft Outlook Eudora, Netscape Mail, Yahoo Mail, etc.

An HTML form is automatically generated by FootPrints with the correct fields for each Workspace.  There is no need for the administrator to create these forms.  A different form is sent to Agent and customer users (identified by their email address).

For an agent to receive the customer version of the form, for example, in order to post the form for customers on a web site, enter HTML Form Customer in the subject line rather than HTML Form.

To obtain a form for a different Workspace (you must belong to the Workspace), send the HTML form request to the email account for that Workspace, e.g., or, etc.  If there is only one email account for the entire system, you can include the Workspace ID in the subject of the request, e.g., .HTML form PROJ=5

To use the form, simply fill out the fields and click the SUBMIT button.


Field dependencies enabled for the Workspace do not appear in the email form.  All Workspaces fields are displayed.