You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Other Options > KB Role Permissions for Customers

Knowledge Base Role Permissions for Customers

Customer users cannot create, edit or submit Solutions for approval. Customers can only view Solutions in the Public Knowledge Base, and view Public FAQs. There is a permission option for Customer Roles that determines whether those Customers can view the Public Knowledge Base and FAQs.

To configure Knowledge Base permissions for a Customer User Role:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace | User Roles from the FootPrints Toolbar.
  2. Select the customer role from the drop-down and click Edit Role Properties.
  3. If you have never configured roles for this Workspace, you can select the default Customer Read/Submit role to apply the permission to all Customer Read/Submit users in the Workspace.
  4. If you are using multiple built-in or custom customer roles, you can apply the permission to one or more of these roles.  Refer to User Roles for complete information.
  5. There is an option for Knowledge Base in the Miscellaneous section of the Customer Role Properties page.  If Yes is selected, users can view and search the Public Knowledge Base and FAQs.  If No is selected, the Public Knowledge Base is hidden from the users. Customers can never view the Internal Knowledge Base or FAQs.
  6. The next option, Default home page, can be configured to display Solutions or FAQs to the customers when they first log into FootPrints (assuming they have permission to view the Knowledge Base), or to display their Requests or the New Request form (if they are not allowed to view the Knowledge Base).
  1. When you are finished changing the Knowledge Base permissions, scroll to the bottom of the screen, enter your password and click GO.
  2. If the users of that role are not allowed to view the Public Knowledge Base, the Search Knowledge Base options are removed from their interface.