You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Fields > Statuses


The Status field is used to define the workflow of Issues or the stages that an Issue moves through from beginning to end. Statuses can be added, deleted, and reordered here. The dialog is pre-filled with the Statuses defined by the workspace template.


Open and Closed are built-in statuses and cannot be deleted or moved from their positions in the list. They can be renamed. Request is also a built-in status that cannot be removed from the choices, but can also be renamed.

To edit Status properties, hover the cursor over the Status field and click the Edit icon.


Setting Properties

Click a section heading to expand or collapse the section. Enter values into the fields as follows:


Defining Permissions Per Role

To define field permissions with greater granularity, edit the Role Properties for the field. Once you have done so, if you return to the Form Designer, specific permissions can be entered for specific roles.


Editing, Moving, or Deleting the Field

To edit the field properties, from the Form Designer, hover over the field and click on the edit icon.

To move the field, from the Form Designer, hover over the field, click on the move icon, hold down the mouse button, and drag the field to the location in which you want it displayed.

To delete the field, from the Form Designer, hover over the field and click on the trash can icon. Deletion is not permitted if a field is part of some other feature (such as a field dependency). In those instances, the relationship between the field and the other feature must first be severed before the field can be deleted.


Deleted data fields are no longer viewable, and FootPrints forms no longer contain that field.  The column is also deleted and the data no longer accessible.  To undelete a field (assuming you've made a backup of your database), contact BMC for instructions.


Changing the Field Name

You can change the field name from the Form Designer without going into the Properties window.  To do so, click in the field name from the Form Designer. The name is highlighted in yellow. Type the new name into the field.