You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Field Permissions Overview

Field Permissions Overview

Permissions can be specified for fields used in Issues and Address Books, and they can be set up per user role.



Specifying Field Permissions


Workspace Fields

Field permissions for custom workspace fields can be specified by selecting Administration | Workspace from the FootPrints toolbar, and then selecting Form Designer. You can edit an individual field and set the default field permissions for agent and customer roles. See the Permissions and Access section in the topics on defining fields in the Form Designer, such as in the Single-line Character topic.


Address Book Fields

For Address Book fields, permissions can be specified by selecting Administration | Address Book from the FootPrints toolbar, and then selecting Field Maintenance. You can edit an individual field and set the field permissions for agent and customer roles. See Adding Address Book Fields.


Permissions per Role

Custom field permissions can be specified for specific user roles by selecting Administration | Workspace from the FootPrints toolbar, selecting User Roles, and then selecting the role you want to edit. Permissions for user roles override the Agent Default or Customer Default permissions defined in Form Designer. See Field-level Permissions for Built-in Fields and Field-level Permissions for Custom Fields.