You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > System Administration > System Administration Features > File Attachment Restrictions

File Attachment Restrictions

You can set maximum sizes for file attachments in FootPrints. This applies to attachments linked to Issues from the web interface and submitted via email.  The options are:


If an image type (such as .png or .bmp) is restricted from file attachments, it is also restricted from being pasted intot he Description section of an issue.

Change Location of File Attachments Directory

To change the location of the file attachments directory:

  1. Stop the web server for FootPrints so that no updates can take place on the attachments directory during this process.
  2. Copy or move the files to a new location for the attachments directory that is both readable and writable from FootPrints (we recommend a directory created for this purpose called: /usr/local/footprintsservicecore_3000/Attachments). Make sure when copying the files that the entire directory structure is copied.  Everything you see inside the directory /usr/local/footprintsservicecore_3000/html/tmp/Attachments should be inside your new directory.
  3. Restart the web server for FootPrints.
  4. Select Administration | System | File Attachments from the FootPrints Toolbar.
  5. Scroll down to the Change Attachments Directory Location section.
  6. Enter the full path to new attachments directory on the FootPrints server.
  7. Enter your password and click the Save button.