You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Other Options > FAQ Administration

FAQ Administration

The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) categories are available to the Agent when searching the Knowledge Base.  FAQs are also available to customers who have access to FootPrints.  These categories are created and maintained by the Workspace Administrator for each Workspace.  The categories are defined by advanced search criteria and named and saved by the administrator.  Each time a category is accessed, it returns the latest Solutions that match the criteria defined for that category.

Create FAQ Category

To create an FAQ category:  

  1. Select Administration | Workspace, then select Knowledge Base in the mainframe under Other Options. The Knowledge Base administration page is displayed. The FAQ Setup section is the first section on the Knowledge Base administration page.
  2. To make a public FAQ category, i.e., accessible to both agents and customers, select the PUBLIC link. To make an internal FAQ category, i.e., accessible to agents only, select the INTERNAL link.
  3. To add the FAQ category, click the Add New Category button. The Search Criteria page is displayed.
  4. Select the criteria for the FAQ.  Options include Title, Description, Keyword, Date and Age, and all Workspace fields for the current Workspace. For example, to return Solutions with the word “password” in the Solution, enter password for the keyword.
  5. Select the Advanced options, which allow you to determine the order of display for the Solutions within the category. The Solutions that are returned can be ordered by virtually any field, including popularity.
  6. At the bottom of the form, name the FAQ and click GO.
  7. The current matching Solutions are displayed in the main frame.  In addition, the category appears in the FAQ list for Agents and customers in the current Workspace.  Each time someone accesses the FAQ, the latest Solutions that match the criteria selected are returned.

Create FAQ Sub-categories

 To create an FAQ sub-category:  

  1. Select Administration | Workspace, then select Knowledge Base in the mainframe under Other Options. The Knowledge Base administration page is displayed. The FAQ Setup section is the first section on the Knowledge Base administration page.
  1. To create a sub-category to a public FAQ category, select the PUBLIC link. To create a sub-category to an internal FAQ category, select the INTERNAL link.
  2. Click on the name of the FAQ category in the list of FAQ categories underneath the PUBLIC/INTERNAL.
  3. Click the GO TO button. A list of sub-categories, if there are any, is displayed.
  4. To add a sub-category, click on the Add New Sub-category button. To add an additional level of sub-category to an existing sub-category, click on the existing sub-category, click the GO TO button again, then click on the Add New Sub-category button. The Search Criteria page is displayed.
  5. Select the criteria for the sub-category.  Options include Title, Description, Keyword, Date and Age, and all Workspace fields for the current Workspace.  For example, to return Solutions with the word “password” in the Solution, enter password for the keyword.
  6. Select the Advanced options, which allow you to determine the order of display for the Solutions within the sub-category.  The Solutions that are returned can be ordered by virtually any field, including popularity.
  7. At the bottom of the form, name the sub-category and click GO. The sub-category is created and you are returned to the previous page. The new sub-category is displayed in the list.

Edit FAQ Category/Sub-category

To edit a FAQ category or sub-category:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace, then select Knowledge Base in the mainframe under Other Options. The Knowledge Base administration page is displayed. The FAQ Setup section is the first section on the Knowledge Base administration page.
  2. Select the appropriate link, PUBLIC or INTERNAL, to display the FAQ category or sub-category that is to be edited.
  3. Click on the category in the list of FAQ categories. If you want to edit a sub-category, click on the GO TO button. Continue to select sub-categories and click the GO TO button as necessary to navigate to the category that you want to edit.
  4. Click on the category or sub-category that you want to edit in the list of categories/sub-categories.
  5. Click the Edit button. The Search Criteria page is displayed with all of the current settings for that category/sub-category.
  6. Change the settings in the Search Criteria page as needed.
  7. When you have finished changing the settings, click the GO button. The new settings are saved and the previous page is displayed.

Change the Order of FAQ Categories/Sub-categories

To change the order in which FAQ categories/sub-categories are displayed:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace, then select Knowledge Base in the mainframe under Other Options. The Knowledge Base administration page is displayed. The FAQ Setup section is the first section on the Knowledge Base administration page.
  2. Select the appropriate link, PUBLIC or INTERNAL, to display the FAQ category or sub-category that is to be edited.
  3. Click on the category in the list of FAQ categories. If you want to edit a sub-category, click on the GO TO button. Continue to select sub-categories and click the GO TO button as necessary to navigate to the category that you want to edit.
  4. Click on the category or sub-category that you want to edit in the list of categories/sub-categories.

Delete FAQ Category/Sub-category 

To delete a FAQ category or sub-category:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace, then select Knowledge Base in the mainframe under Other Options. The Knowledge Base administration page is displayed. The FAQ Setup section is the first section on the Knowledge Base administration page.
  2. Select the appropriate link, PUBLIC or INTERNAL, to display the FAQ category or sub-category that is to be deleted.
  3. Click on the category in the list of FAQ categories. If you want to delete a sub-category, click on the GO TO button. Continue to select sub-categories and click the GO TO button as necessary to navigate to the category that you want to delete.
  4. Click on the category or sub-category that you want to delete in the list of categories/sub-categories.
  5. Click the Remove button. A confirmation window is displayed. The confirmation window warns that any sub-categories beneath the category you are deleting will also be deleted.
  6. Click the OK button in the confirmation window. The category or sub-category, as well as all sub-categories beneath it, is deleted.