You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Other Options > Edit Knowledge Bases

Edit Knowledge Bases

These options are available by selecting Administration | Workspace | Knowledge Base | External Knowledge Bases from the FootPrints Toolbar.]


To Edit a Knowledge Base
  1. Select the Knowledge Base in the Knowledge Bases dialog box.
  2. Click Edit. The details are displayed in the appropriate fields.
  3. Make any changes. For example, you can change the display name for the Knowledge Base or update the syntax, if it has changed.
  4. Click Complete Edit.

To Delete a Knowledge Base

  1. Select the Knowledge Base in the Knowledge Bases dialog box.
  2. Click Remove.

To Re-order the Knowledge Bases

  1. Highlight a Knowledge Base in the Knowledge Bases dialog box.
  2. Use the up and down arrows to move it's position or click Sort Alphabetically to sort them alphabetically from A-Z.