You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Address Book Administration > Address Book Field Maintenance > Delete Address Book Field

Delete Address Book Field

To delete an Address Book field:

  1. Select the field in the dialog box (it will be highlighted in grey).
  2. Click Remove.
  3. The field is removed from the dialog and is no longer included in the Address Book.  The changes are not submitted until you enter your password and click Save.


While the default fields can be deleted, you must have a field of type Email, preferably entitled Email address, for Customers to be linked to their Address Book contact information when submitting Requests via the FootPrints interface and via email.


Deleted data fields are no longer viewable and are removed from all FootPrints forms.   The column is also deleted and the data no longer accessible.  To undelete a field (assuming you've made a backup of your database), please contact BMC for instructions.