You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Executive Dashboard > Watchlist Report

Watchlist Report

You can watch a specified field and track how many issues with a specific value in that field were created, active, or created and active during a specified period (day, week, month, quarter, or year). In addition, track issues for a variety of metrics, such as how many were Created, Active, Resolved, and/or Carried Over Unresolved for a specific period.

If you use saved searches to track this type of information, the Executive Dashboard allows you to create a Watchlist that replaces those searches and can display the results in a single Watchlist.


Customize the Watchlist Created, Activated, or All Activity Report

To customize the report, on the Executive Dashboard page:

  1. Click the pencil icon beside the title of the report. The customization fields are displayed.
  2. Name field—In the first field, where it says "Watchlist "Created", "Activated" or "All Activity", enter a name for the report.
  3. Metric—Specify the metric to be used for the report. Options are:
  4. Unresolved—Number of issues not yet resolved of the ones that were created or activated this time period or total unresolved for “All Activity”.
  5. Unclosed—Number of issues still not closed of the ones that were created or activated this time period or total unresolved for “All Activity”.
  6. Created—The total number of issues created this time period.
  7. Activated—The number of issues that have been activated of the ones created this time period. Activated does not implied Unresolved or Resolved or Closed. For example, an issue could be Activated and at the same time be Unresolved. An issue can also be Assigned and at the same time be Closed.
  8. Responded—Number of issues that have been responded to of the ones created or activated this time period or total unresolved for “All Activity”.
  9. Active—Number of issues still not resolved that had been activated of the ones that were created or activated this time period or total unresolved for “All Activity”.
  10. Activated unclosed—Number of issues still not closed that had been activated of the ones that were created or activated this time period or total unresolved for “All Activity”.
  11. Resolved—Number of issues that have been resolved of the ones created or activated this time period or total unresolved for “All Activity”.
  12. Closed—Number of issues that have been closed of the ones created or activated this time period or total unresolved for “All Activity”.
  13. Initial carry over unresolved—The total number of unresolved issues at the beginning of the time period. This number does not change during the period.
  14. Initial carry over unclosed—The total number of unclosed issues at the beginning of the time period. This number does not change during the period.
  15. Carry over unresolved—Total number of unresolved issues from previous periods. This number goes down every time issues that were created (Created report) or activated (Activated report) in a previous period get resolved.
  16. Carry over unclosed—The total number of unclosed issues from previous periods. This number goes down every time issues that were created (Created report) or activated (Activated report) in a previous period get closed.
  17. Qualifier—Select data from This time period or the Previous time period.
  18. Time period—Options are:
  19. Day—Refers to the current or previous day. If, for example, you requested data for the current day, the data would cover the period from 12:00:01 that morning until the current time.  Data for the previous day would include data for the entire 24 hours of the previous day.
  20. Week—Refers to the current or previous week. If, for example, you requested data for the current week, the data would cover the period from 12:00:01 Sunday morning until the current time.  Data for the previous week would include data for the entire seven days of the previous week.
  21. Month—Refers to the current or previous week. If, for example, you requested data for the current month, the data would cover the period from 12:00:01 on the first day of the month until the current time.  Data for the previous month would include data for all days of the previous month.
  22. Quarter—Refers to the current or previous quarter (three month periods defined as January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December of a given year). If, for example, you requested data for the current quarter, the data would cover the period from 12:00:01 on the first day of the quarter until the current time.  Data for the previous quarter would include data for all three months.
  23. Year—Refers to the current or previous year. If, for example, you requested data for the current year, the data would cover the period from 12:00:01 on January 1st until the current time.  Data for the previous year would include data for all days of the previous year.
  24. To add a Watchlist item, type a name for the Watchlist in to one of the blank fields below the Time Period drop-down. Now filter the field options by clicking the Edit icon beside the new Watchlist icon name. The Filter Options are displayed. You can filter each Watchlist Item in the Watchlist Report based on up to six fields, as follows:
  25. Filter fields—For the Watchlist, you can filter report results for each individual item using up to six fields. Filters are inclusive; only issues that contain the filter item in the specified field are counted. To set a filter, click the pencil icon beside one of the empty fields. Select the items you want to use to filter the report from one of the drop-down lists. For drop-down and multi-select fields, you can select multiple values. You have the option of filtering the report using any combination of the following per field:
  26. Up to three workspace fields can be used to filter the Watchlist Report. The following values can be selected for workspace fields:
  27. No Filter—No issues are excluded.
  28. Priority
  29. Status
  30. Assignee Field (Including Teams)
  31. Custom Drop Down fields in the Workspace
  32. Custom Multi-select fields in the Workspace
  33. Custom Checkbox fields in the Workspace
  34. The fourth filter can be selected from the custom single-line character fields available in the issues.
  35. The fifth and sixth filters may be picked from the following list or the workspace’s address book fields:
  36. No Filter—No issues are excluded.
  37. Custom Character (Single Line)
  38. Custom Supervisor fields
  39. Custom Drop Down fields
  40. Custom Multi-select fields
  41. Custom Checkbox fields

The Address Book fields listed will be the fields from the Address Book that is currently associated with the Workspace.

  1. Click Save to save the customization or Cancel to clear the form.