You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Executive Dashboard > Introduction

Executive Dashboard Introduction

Executive Dashboard provides business intelligence regarding the performance of your service desk. Agents with access to Executive Dashboard can set the types of data they wish to display and observe that data, seeing it change dynamically as the Executive Dashboard is refreshed.

For detailed information, refer to the FootPrints Reference Manual.

Access to the Executive Dashboard is enabled by the Workspace Administrator. Individual agents with Executive Dashboard access set:

When the Executive Dashboard is first displayed, it shows all of the built-in reports. You can then edit or discard the reports to display only the information you want to see. Built-in Executive Dashboard reports are (click the links to view the details of how to edit each type of report):

Issue Lifecycle

The Issue Lifecycle is defined by five "events": Creation, Activation, Response, Resolution, and Closure. The workspace administrator defines in which of these portions of the Issue Lifecycle each of the issue statuses falls. For example, the Open status might be defined as falling during the Creation period, which is before Activation. A status of "Assigned" might be defined as falling during the Activation period but before the Response. A status that indicates an issue as having been Responded to by the agent (Agent Responded) can be defined under the Response Event.

The issue and time measures display in the Executive Dashboard are metrics derived from the following issue lifecycle:

A change in status causes an event in the issue lifecycle to be recorded. For example, changing from Inactive to Open can cause the Activation Event.

Events are defined as follows:

Events in the Issue Lifecycle for reporting always occur in the order in which they appear in the user interface (Creation, Activation, Responded To, Resolution and Closure). An issue cannot have an event in its lifecycle happen without all the preceding ones having happened as well.

An issue that is created in a Closed status will have the following events marked in the following order: Creation, Activation, Resolution, Responded and Closure.

An issue that is created in an Active Status will have the following events marked in the following order: Creation and Activation.

When a status is put in the Resolved category in the Issue Lifecycle, a transition to this status not only will cause the Resolution Event to happen, but will also cause the Creation, Activation, and Response Events to happen if these events did not already occur.

View the Executive Dashboard 

To view the Executive Dashboard, select Reports from the FootPrints toolbar, then select Executive Dashboard from the drop-down menu.

Make Executive Dashboard the Default Page

You can make the Executive Dashboard your default page when you log into FootPrints. This means that the Executive Dashboard is the first page you see when you log in. This is useful for people who want to view the Executive Dashboard reports but have no need to learn anything else about navigating within FootPrints.

To make the Executive Dashboard your default homepage, you must edit the Personal Info tab of your Preferences. Refer to Customizing Your Preferences for details.

Remove a Report

To remove a report from the Executive Dashboard, click the trash can icon beside the report name. If a report is removed and you wish to restore it, you must click the Change Dashboard link at the top of the reports view and then click the Add Now button for the report. Any customizations you made for the report will be gone so you will have to customize it all over again.

Common to All Executive Dashboard Reports

Some factors are common to all types of Executive Dashboard report.

Three categories of report are available for all Executive Dashboard reports: