You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Shared Login Screen

Shared Login Screen

Users accessing FootPrints with a shared Customer account use the same login page by default as other users. When the shared ID and password are entered, they are taken to a second page that prompts them for their primary key (User ID, email address, etc.)  If you are on a secure intranet or do not need to password protect the Customer Self-service interface, a special login page can be used for shared Customers only. This special login page only prompts the user for the primary key; the shared ID and password are embedded in the page.


Much of this functionality can be accomplished using the Customer Service Portal.


This cannot be used with LDAP Authentication.

To bypass the default login page, point the support link that your customers will access to localhost/footprints/group.html.  This file can be found in your FootPrints folder under html.  This login page uses the shared login account guest, with the password guest.


If you modify the default group.html page and you wish to upgrade FootPrints with a new release, the upgrade overwrites the existing group.html page.  Your modified group.html page is saved under the group.bak file in the same directory if you want to restore your modifications.

To modify the default shared Customer login page:

  1. Create a shared Customer account under Administration | Workspace | Customers | Add Customer.  The rest of this procedure does not involve the FootPrints interface.
  2. Edit the group.html file manually.  The group.html file is found in the c:\FootprintsServiceCore\HTML directory on the FootPrints server (assuming FootPrints is installed to c:\FootprintsServiceCore).
  3. Open group.html using Notepad to edit in plain text, or use an HTML editor.
  4. Search for the lines:



If you are using an HTML editor, you must search for and make the changes within the Source Code Editor.

  1. On the first line, replace the value "guest" with the actual Shared Customer ID you created in step 1. On the second line, replace the value "guest" with the password of the Shared Customer ID you created in step 1. So, if your Shared Customer ID is "client" and the password is "CLIENT", the two lines should look like this:



  1. Make any additional changes to the HTML of the page. For example, you can add your own company logo, add a custom canned message for customers to read, etc.  Do not make any changes to the inputs.
  2. Save the file to the same ./Footprints/HTML directory.  You can optionally change the name of the file.


Do not rename the file index.html, login.html or default.html or other users will not be able to login with the default login page.

Users access FootPrints from this page by going to, or whatever you rename the file.  When users access this page, they only need to enter their primary key to log into FootPrints.

An example of the group.html file can be found at (the BMC Support site).  If you have any questions about using this file, please email Support, or submit a request from the BMC Support site mentioned above.