You are here: Chapter 2: Key Concepts > Automated Workflow > Service Level Management

Service Level Management

The Service Level Management feature is designed to help the Service Desk meet service levels for customers based on their service contracts. Service levels can be defined based on the problem or incident type using a Workspace field, or can be based on who the customer is using an Address Book field.

Resolution time

An unlimited number of service levels can be defined and response time (how quickly a response of some kind must be made to an Issue), contract information, and associated escalation rules can be defined for each level.

Due dates and times are automatically generated based on the resolution time. Service Level Metric reports can be generated including percentage of issues that exceeded the resolution time for a particular time period. 

In sum, the Service Level Management feature can provide the basis for a series of automated workflow rules that ensure the standard of service provided to customers.

For details on Service Level Management, refer to Creating a Service Level Field.