You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Automated Workflow > Creating the Service Level Field

Creating the Service Level Field

Service Level Management provides the means for integrating your service level agreements (SLAs) into FootPrints. If you need an SLA to be based on multiple fields, use the AutoField feature.

To create a Service Level field, select Administration | Workspace from the FootPrints Toolbar, then select Service Level Management from the main frame in the Automated Workflow section.  If this is the first time service levels are being configured for this workspace, the Initial Service Level Management Setup screen is displayed.

  1. Select a field type to be used to track service levels:
  2. Address Book field—Select this option if you would like to associate service levels with customers (i.e., contacts in the Address Book). For example, Gold, Silver and Bronze levels can be created, guaranteeing customers a certain level of service.  This option is good for Customer Service Portal workspaces or for workspaces where a VIP flag needs to be set for certain customers.
  3. Workspace field—Select this option if you would like to associate service levels with incident type or another issue-based field.  For example, network outage can have a different resolution time than request for new monitor.  This option is good for service desk Workspaces, or for Customer Service Portal Workspaces where the product or service involved in the incident (defined in a Workspace field) determines the level of service.
  4. Priority—Select this option if you would like to associate service levels with an Issue's priority.  Consequently, higher priority levels can have different resolution times than lower levels.
  5. In the Field Description section, the four fields associated with Service Levels are defined.  For each field, a new field can be created or an existing field can be used.
  6. Service Level Field—Assign a name for the main service level field (the default is Service Level). This field is a drop-down field (choices are defined later).  To select an existing field, click the radio button on the right and select from the drop-down.  If this option is grayed out, no drop-down fields are available and a new field must be created.
  7. Service Level Response Time—Assign a name for this field (the default is SLA Response time). This date/time field represents the time by which a response must be made to the Issue. This is not the same as resolution, but instead acknowledges the Issue.
  8. Service Level Expiration Date—Enter a name for this field (the default is SLA Expiration Date). This is the date the service contract expires for the associated customer or incident type.  This field (a date field) is for reference only, but escalation rules can be created to notify the Customer or Agent when the contract expires.  An existing date field can also be selected, if one is available.
  9. Service Level Due Date—Assign a name for this field (the default is SLA Due Date). This date/time field represents the date and time by which an Issue must be resolved.  The due date is calculated for each new issue automatically by the system based on the service level and time of issue creation.  An existing date/time field can also be selected if available.
  10. After defining these fields, enter your password and click Save. Before you can define the individual service level agreements be defined, you must set the Pending Statuses List.
  11. Pending statuses are excluded from SLA reports. Any events that occur or time spent in a pending status is excluded from Service Level Reporting. To specify the pending statuses: