You are here: Chapter 9: Advanced Features > Email Management > Incoming Email Management > Recovering Incoming Mail

Recovering Incoming Email

If FootPrints processes an incoming mail and fails while writing to the database, it generates an error message similar to the following (the message is saved in the system log and possibly also emailed to the System Administrator):

An email message submitted to FootPrints by was not posted, due to an error code of '78' . The sender has been notified. The contents of the email have been saved for you in the file:


Once you have resolved the problem and FootPrints is able to handle incoming mails again, you can reintroduce the lost messages to FootPrints manually by following these steps:

  1. Open up a command prompt.
  2. If your are running Windows, add perl to your path:

set path=c:\FootprintsServiceCore\bin\perl\bin;%path%

Once you have completed these steps, perform the following:

/usr/local/footprints/cgi/ < /usr/local/footprints/temp/IncomingMailErr_3511

perl c:\FootprintsServiceCore\cgi\ < c:\FootprintsServiceCore\temp\IncomingMailErr_3511