You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Working with Issues > Quick Action Dialog

Quick Action Dialog

The Quick Action checkbox dialog, available on the FootPrints Homepage, allows users to perform an action on one or more Issues.  This provides a quick means to update or report on an Issue or to make a change that affects many Issues simultaneously.  Some of the functions are only available to administrators, while others are available to Agents and administrators.

To perform a Quick Action on Issues from the Homepage:

  1. In the main frame, check the box for each of the Issues you wish to change, or check the All box at the top of the column to select all of the Issues displayed on the current page.
  1. Select the action from the drop-down list.
  2. Click GO.
  3. Different options are available depending on the action selected. See below for more details.

The Following Options are Available to All Internal Users

The Following Options are Available Only to Administrators

When Status, Priority, or Assign is selected:

  1. A special Change Issues page is displayed.
  2. Select the new priority, status, or assignees for the Issues.
  3. If re-assigning an Issue, you can unassign the current assignees of the Issues selected by checking the Remove Previous Assignees checkbox.
  4. You can optionally enter notes in the Description box.  The notes are appended to all Issues selected.
  5. Check the boxes to send email to the Assignees, Customer Contacts, and CCs for the selected Issues.
  6. Click GO. The Issues are updated and emails are sent.

The Following Option is Only Available If You Have "Taking" Rights

When Taking is selected:

  1. A special Take Issues page is displayed.
  2. You can unassign the current assignees of the Issues selected by checking the Remove Previous Assignees checkbox.
  3. You can optionally enter notes in the Description box. The notes are appended to all selected Issues.
  4. Check the boxes to send email to the Assignees, Customer Contacts, and CCs for the Issues selected.
  5. Click GO. You are now assigned to the selected Issues.