You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Fields > Priorities


The Priority field is used to rate Issues by importance or impact. You can define the properties of the Priority field to set:

To edit Priority properties, hover the cursor over the Priority field and click the Edit icon.

Setting Properties

Click a section heading to expand or collapse the section. Enter values into the fields as follows:


Editing or Moving the Field

To edit the field properties, from the Form Designer, hover over the field and click on the edit icon.

To move the field, from the Form Designer, hover over the field, click on the move icon, hold down the mouse button, and drag the field to the location in which you want it displayed. The Priority field cannot be moved to another tab.


Changing the Field Name

You can change the field name from the Form Designer without going into the Properties window.  To do so, click in the field name from the Form Designer. The name is highlighted in yellow. Type the new name into the field.