You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Managing Team Membership

Managing Team Membership

Once you have created some Teams, you may want to re-assign users to different Teams as their roles change.  Assigning Team membership can be done in two ways:

On the Team Setup page in the Change Team Membership section, there is a dialog that allows you to manage the membership of multiple users and Teams for the Workspace.

All Workspace members are listed in the multi-select field on the left.  Current Team members are listed in the field on the right for the Team selected in the drop-down.

To assign users to Teams:

  1. From the Existing Teams drop-down menu, select the Team to which you want to assign users.  The current Team members are listed in the Members field on the right.
  2. To:
  3. Add a user to a Team, select a name in the Nonmembers field on the left and click the Add Member button.  The user's name is displayed in the Members field.
  4. Remove a user from a Team, highlight the name in the Members field and click the Delete button. The user is no longer listed as a Team Member.
  1. To assign users to another Team, select another Team from the Existing Teams drop-down list and repeat steps 1-2.
  2. To see a list of all Teams and their members, select the option to Display all Teams above the dialog boxes (the here link).  Each Team is displayed with the Team members listed along with their user roles.
  3. Enter password and click Save to complete the page.

Users can be members of multiple Teams.  User permissions are determined by their User Role for the Workspace, which is not affected by Team membership.