You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Fields > Homepage Workspace Totals

Homepage Workspace Totals

The Status counts displayed on the Homepage can be specified from the Administration | Workspace | Statuses page.  This option controls the statuses displayed in the Workspace Totals dialog for all internal users in the current Workspace. The defaults are: Open, Active, Closed, Request, Internal Solution, and Public Solution.  "Active" refers to all statuses except for Closed, Deleted, and all Solution-based statuses.

To add a status to the Workspace Totals:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace | Statuses.
  2. Select the status from the All Statuses dialog box and click Add Status.
  3. If you are finished working on this page, enter your password and click Save.  Changes are not actually made in the Workspace until you have entered your password and clicked Save.

To re-order statuses in the Workspace Totals:

  1. Select the status in the Selected Status dialog box (it will be highlighted in blue).
  2. Use the Up and Down arrow buttons to move a status up and down in the list.
  3. If you are finished working on this page, enter your password and click Save.  Changes are not actually made in the Workspace until you have entered your password and clicked Save.

To remove a status from the Workspace Totals:

  1. Select the Status in the Selected Status dialog box (it will be highlighted in blue).
  2. Click Delete Status.
  3. If you are finished working on this page, enter your password and click Save.  Changes are not actually made in the Workspace until you have entered your password and clicked Save.


The changes made in this dialog do not affect the statuses in the database or Issue forms; they only affect the Workspace Totals dialog on the Homepage for the current Workspace.