You are here: Chapter 2: Key Concepts > Issues > Global Issues

Global Issues

Global Issues are used to designate important or frequently reported Issues that affect many users. For example, a "System Down" failure that will be reported by many users can be made into a Global Issue.  Global Issues can be broadcast to all Agents, are displayed on the Agent's FootPrints Homepage, and can be displayed for customers to subscribe to it. Whenever a new Issue is reported with the same problem, the Agent (and, optionally, the customer) can link the Issue to the known Global Issue. Global Issues can be closed simultaneously with their associated GlobalLinks. This feature can save time for Agents by preventing duplicate work and can make it easier to communicate pervasive problems to all users.

Global Issues have two parts to them:


The name of this feature depends on the name given to records in FootPrints for the system/workspace. For example, if the name "Ticket" has been defined for records in the current workspace, the Global Issue is referred to as a "Global Ticket" throughout the workspace. However, GlobalLinks are always referred to as "GlobalLinks". For consistency, all help files refer to the feature as "Global Issue".