You are here: Chapter 2: Key Concepts > Issues > Issues


A FootPrints Workspace comprises a set of related Issues.  “Issue” is the default name given to a FootPrints record.  Each Issue is a numbered record in the FootPrints Workspace database around which all Service Desk and problem tracking activity centers.

All Issues have some built-in content in the form of required fields (i.e., mandatory data required for the database), as follows:

Not all organizations use the term "Issue" as the label for a record of this type.  Administrators can customize FootPrints to apply whatever label is appropriate in your local culture.  Administrators can change the name "Issues" to "Tickets", for example, so that wherever the word "Issues" appears by default in FootPrints, the word "Tickets" is displayed.


During installation, the administrator is given the chance to change the default term “Issue” to another name, such as “Entry,” “Call,” or “Ticket.”  For consistency, this manual always refers to FootPrints records as “Issues.”