You are here: Chapter 9: Advanced Features > Email Management > Outgoing Email Management > Email Notification Rules

Email Notification Rules

Workspace Email Notification Rules for outgoing emails are configured by selecting Administration | Workspace, then clicking the Mail Preferences link in the General section of the main frame.

This section allows you to choose the criteria for email notification sent to users regarding their Issues.  It is split into three sections: Assignees, Customers and CCs. Different rules for email notification can be defined for each group.  For example, you may want email notification sent to the Agent assigned to an Issue for all statuses, but you may only want email notification to go to the customer who submitted the Issue when it is opened and when it is closed.

For each of the two categories, the options include:


The email notification rules selected here can be overridden for a particular Issue by the Agent assigned to that Issue (upon manual edit).  These are simply defaults.

In addition to the rules specified above, three other rules can be defined:


The email format used for this feature is that chosen for assignees under Contents of Mail.


The email format used for this feature is that chosen for assignees under Contents of Mail.

After you finish updating the Mail Preferences page, you must enter your password and click GO to activate the changes.