You are here: Chapter 9: Advanced Features > Email Management > Email Filters

Email Filters

This feature allows you to block FootPrints from sending and receiving email from certain email accounts or domains. You can use this feature to prevent from sending mail to or receiving mail from a Mailer Daemon account, block known spammers, and temporarily block email for a FootPrints user who is on vacation. Filters can be created per Workspace and defaults can be set for the entire system.

There are five options:

To create an email filter:

  1. To:
  1. Select one of the four filter types using the radio buttons below the text box.
  2. Enter the address or domain in the text box.

The following rules apply:

  1. One address per line, with nothing else on that line.
  2. Lines containing a # sign and empty lines are ignored.
  3. Spaces are ignored.
  4. Incomplete addresses can be used.  For example, you can user yourserver.comFootPrints checks if the address contains the partial address or domain name specified.


To block a domain:

To block a particular address:

To block any address with the word mailer in it:


  1. Use the radio buttons to switch between the different filter types.  Your changes are saved.
  2. When you are finished, click Save.

Workspace filters override system filters for that Workspace.

  1. If a user's email address was entered to block mail while on vacation, set a reminder for yourself to remove the filter when the user returns.