You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Edit Agent User

Edit Agent User

The Edit Agents page includes options to edit a user’s permission level, billing rate, password, etc.  In addition, individual users can change many of their own preferences from the Preferences screen.

  1. Select Administration | Workspace on the FootPrints Toolbar, then select  Edit Agents from the main frame in the Users & Roles section.
  2. Select the user from the Users drop-down list, which displays a list of all users in the workspace.
  3. Click   GO.
  4. An Edit User page is displayed, with options as follows:
  5. User Role—Select a new role for the user for the current Workspace and specify the type of license the Agent is to use.
  6. Billing Rate—Optionally assign the user one or more hourly billing rates or edit existing rates (refer to Billing Rates for complete details on editing this portion of the page).
  7. Agent Preferences—These options can also be changed by the Agent on the Preferences page.
  1. Enter your administrator password and click Save.