You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Customer Permission Options

Customer Permission Options

Customer permissions can be set if you have a Customer license.  You can define multiple roles for your Customers using the built-in Customer roles or by creating new Customer roles, and then define different permission sets for each role.  Note that roles are not available if you are using the Customer Service Portal.

The permission options available for Customers can only be modified by an administrator.  The page from which these permissions are modified is accessed by selecting Administration | Workspace | User Roles or Administration | System | User Roles, then selecting a Customer role from the drop-down list, and clicking the Edit Role Properties button.  This topic describes the sections of the page and the options for each section.

  1. Requests—These options determine what the user can do with Requests.
  2. Viewing Requests—There are three options:
  3. Can only view their own Requests—The user can only view his own Requests, including those entered by him via the web, email, or entered by an Agent for him (based on the user's primary key).
  4. Can view their own Requests and their Organization's Requests—The user can view his own  Requests and those of his Organizational Unit (only applies if an Organizational Unit field is enabled in the Address Book).
  5. Cannot view Requests—The user has no access to Requests. This option is appropriate if the user only needs to search the Knowledge Base.
  6. Creating Requests—There are several options:
  7. Creating Requests—User can create new Requests via the web interface for himself only. This is the default for Customer Read/Submit and Customer Edit roles.


Customers cannot enter Requests for other users.  If you would like to create a role that allows the user to create Requests for other users, be assigned to Issues, etc., you must create an Agent role.

  1. Field Permissions
  2. Set custom field permissions for customers with this role. Custom permissions set here in the role override the default field permissions in Form Designer.
  1. My Service Requests—A list of the user's Service Catalog requests is displayed. This only applies if you have the FootPrints Configuration Manager add-on module and Service Catalog has been enabled.
  2. My Organization's Requests—A list of the user's Organizational Unit's requests is displayed.
  3. Submit RequestThe Submit Request form is displayed.
  4. Service Catalog—The initial Service Catalog page. This only applies if you have the FootPrints Configuration Manager add-on module and Service Catalog has been enabled.
  5. Global Issues—A list of Global Issues is displayed.
  6. Knowledge Base Categories—Select one of the Knowledge Base categories. The list of Issues in that category are displayed to the customer on login.
  7. Customer Welcome Message—If the Customer Service Portal is not enabled, the welcome message associated with the customer role is displayed instead. Create a Welcome message using the rich text editor. Click on the Insert Variable Text hyperlink under the rich text editor and use the pop–up menu to insert fields into the message.


Change Personal Preferences only applies to unique customer accounts; shared accounts do not display a Preferences option to the customer.

  1. When you are satisfied with the permissions selected for the role, enter your password and click Save.  All Customers who are assigned the role inherit the permissions selected.