You are here: Chapter 9: Advanced Features > Email Management > Using FootPrints Email > Create/Edit Issue Email Notification

Create/Edit Issue Email Notification

The Send Email To section on the Create Issue and Edit Issue pages controls who receives email notification about the Issue. There are three parts to this section:


If the Agent adds a CC or CCs to an Issue upon creation, the CCs are emailed a notification.  However, that CC does not remain part of the Issue in subsequent edits, so if the Agent edits the Issue and a notification is sent out when the edited Issue is submitted, the CC(s) would have to be added again if the Agent wanted them notified.  In addition, the CC(s) do not show up in the notification email to the contact.  Therefore, if the contact replies to the notification email, a copy of the reply is not sent to the CC(s).

The FootPrints administrator can define rules for when email should be sent, what the emails contain, and which user types receive updates (e.g., Agent and customer). The check boxes for Assignees and Contact are checked or unchecked based on these rules. They may change status based on the status or priority chosen on the Create Issue page. To override the default, click the checkbox to check or uncheck it.

You may receive these email notifications for various circumstances:

If you are assigned to an Issue and the Assignees checkbox is checked, you receive the email notification even if you are making the update yourself.

Email notifications look different depending on how the administrator configured the email templates. Different templates can be made for different types of users (Agents, customers, etc.)