You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Assign Template to Role

Assign Template to Role

Once you have created a Agent Preferences Template, you can assign the template to a role or roles so that the preferences take effect.

To assign a template to a role:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace from the FootPrints Toolbar. The Workspace Administration page is displayed in the main frame.
  2. Select Agent Preferences Templates under the Roles heading in the main frame. The Agent Preferences Templates page is displayed in the main frame.
  3. All of the roles in the current workspace are listed in the Assign Template to Role section. Use the drop-down fields to the right of the roles to select the template assigned to each role or leave the drop-down set to None (i.e., no template will be applied).
  4. To the right of each drop-down menu is a checkbox to update the user preferences for existing users. If you leave that box unchecked, the preferences of current agents and/or customers remain unchanged. If you update the existing users, all user preferences for the selected roles will be changed to the values you selected for that template. This could cause some unhappiness with your current users, so exercise caution in checking this box. The newly assigned templates are applied to any users who are added to the workspace from this point forward.
  5. Complete the assignment by entering the administrator password into the Password field and clicking the Save button.