Agent schedules can be accessed by selecting More | Calendar from the FootPrints Toolbar, then clicking the Availability link. Both the Workspace and the Personal calendars show availability for all agents in the workspace from the Availability link.
A legend in the lower left of the window explains the
matrix, using the colors that have been defined by your administrator.
Available—Agent is available.
Appointment—Agent is at
an appointment, but working.
of Office—Agent
is out of the office.
Holiday/Exception—Agent is out of the office due to holiday or vacation, etc.
There are various options on this page:
the date—The
Availability pop-up window defaults to a schedule for the current
day. To
change the day, use the arrow buttons at
the top of the window.
default display shows availability for all Agents. Available Agents (no appointments at the moment), Agents Logged On, or Agents by Team can be displayed by selecting an option in the
start of the work day defaults to 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Select
a different start time from the drop-down to change the time range. Start
times between midnight and 2 PM can be selected. You
can also change the start and end times using the left and right arrow buttons within the availability matrix.
The actual scheduling of an Agent's time is done from
the Agent Work Schedule, from the Calendar, and from the Create
Issue and Edit
Issue page when linked to the Calendar via a Time/Date field.