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Using FootPrints Change Manager

Change management is a process of acquiring approval for steps in that process.  The steps in the process are defined as "phases".  Designated approvers vote to approve or disapprove the Issue at each phase in the process.

An Issue that is in the Change Manager approval process looks the same as any other Issue unless the Agent has been designated as an approver for that phase of the approval process.  Votes by approvers are cast either within the FootPrints interface or via email.


Voting from the FootPrints Interface

If the Agent has been designated as an approver, extra fields are displayed on the Details page so that the approver can cast his or her vote.  Approval votes are cast on the Details page.

The fields for voting are as follows:

When approval criteria have been met, the Issue is moved into another phase of the process or the process of approvals is completed.  Voters may be required to vote on only one phase or multiple phases in the process.


If you cast your vote before entering comments, the vote is recorded and the Details page changes to show the result of your vote.  See below for information on how to change your vote, which allows you to add comments if you voted but did not include comments at that time.

Voting by Email

If approvers receive email notification when voting begins and/or recurring email reminders that a vote is pending, approvers may, depending on how the notifications are configured, be able to cast his or her vote by replying to the notification.

If you can vote by email, the email contains a line of text similar to the following:

[ ]Approve        [ ]Disapprove

To vote by email, select Reply in your mail program, enter an X between the appropriate square brackets in the reply, then send the reply.  Do not alter the security ID in any way.  That data is required for a successful vote.

If the email is configured to allow it, you can also enter comments in your reply along with your vote by simply typing your comments on the line indicated.

One of a set of responses is returned to email votes for both successful and unsuccessful votes, as follows:

Override Votes—Super-approvers

A "Super-approver" is empowered to end any phase immediately on the authority of his or her vote only.  A super-approver's vote overrides all other votes in the phase.

If you are empowered with super-approver status and want to end the phase on your own authority, check the End this phase - Override all voting checkbox.  A warning message is then displayed.  Cast your vote to approve or disapprove and the phase is ended.

When the phase ends, it follows the normal procedure configured for approval or disapproval, depending on which way the super-approver voted.