You are here: Chapter 2: Key Concepts > Searching and Reporting > Searches


When FootPrints conducts a search, it means that the user supplies some criteria (a keyword, an Issue number, a date range, etc.) and FootPrints assembles and displays all of the records that meet the search criteria.  Searches can be conducted on specific fields (for example, search the Problem Type field for all records that contain the word "Printer" in that field) or on all fields (for example, the user supplies keywords such as "wireless data" and FootPrints searches all of the fields in all of the records for those words).  Searches can also be conducted on a date or range of dates (e.g., all Issues that were opened between April 1, 2017 and April 30, 2017).

FootPrints contains a number of search facilities that allow you to search and locate specific Issues in the database and create custom queues for the Homepage:


Search results can be further refined by using Filtering. Refer to topic titled Below the Toolbar for details on Filtering.