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Sample Workspaces Templates

While many people purchase FootPrints to solve a specific functional need, such as tracking internal Service Desk, external support center/CRM or development/bug tracking activity, FootPrintscan be used for a variety of business functions and departments, supporting both employee and external customers.

Some of the departments or business functions that can benefit by using FootPrints for Issue management include:

The primary feature that makes FootPrints so flexible is that it is Workspace-based.  Each Workspace is a separate sub-database within the system that can have its own fields, forms, users and settings.  It is this feature that enables you to create different areas within the system for different departments to use.

New Workspaces are created by the System Administrator under Administration | System | Workspaces.   Once a Workspace is created, it can be administered by a Workspace Administrator.  Each area, or Workspace, can be easily configured to include fields, settings, functions, reporting, etc. that fulfill its specific needs.  While each Workspace is a discrete area, The FootPrints cross-workspace functions can be used to aid communication and cooperation between Workspaces and departments.  These functions include cross-workspace reports, cross-workspace Issue copy/move, Address Book sharing, and email notification/cc.

Release 11.6 contains the following Workspace templates:

This document contains detailed templates and suggestions for the following Workspace types:

In addition, this section contains material on the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)


The fields and settings in the templates below are only suggestions.  Feel free to adapt them to your needs.  The templates are also useful as a checklist when planning a new Workspace in considering all of the many options available.  Refer to the FootPrints Reference Manual or online documentation for detailed information and instructions on configuring and using the features mentioned below.