You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Customizing Your Preferences > Homepage Preferences

Homepage Preferences 

This section defines Homepage dashboard components and the list of Issues displayed on the Homepage.


The Dashboard section of the Preferences page is where you specify which dashboard components are displayed on your homepage in the Workspace. Users can specify different sets of dashboard components for each of their Workspaces. By default, Workspace Totals and Global Issues are displayed. Dashboard components can be displayed in as many as four columns. Users can also make custom components for display on the homepage.

Dashboard Components

The components that can be added to the dashboard for display on the Homepage are:

Add a Dashboard Component

To add a dashboard component to your Homepage:

  1. Select a component from the Available Components list.
    Only one component can be selected at a time. Fields are displayed for any additional settings you need to enter.
  2. Enter any additional settings.
  3. Click the Add Component button.
    The dashboard component is displayed as an icon in the Current Dashboard area. Mouse over displayed dashboard components to see what is included in the current dashboard.
  4. When you are ready to exit the Preferences page, enter your password and click Save. If you skip this step, the changes are not made.

Edit a Dashboard Component

  1. In the Current Dashboard area, click the dashboard component to be edited. Only one component can be selected at a time.
  2. Change settings as needed.
  3. Click the Complete Edit button to save the edits or click the Cancel Edit button to leave the dashboard component settings unchanged.
  4. When you are ready to exit the Preferences page, enter your password and click Save. If you skip this step, the changes are not made.

Delete a Dashboard Component

You can delete dashboard components from either the Dashboard or from Preferences > Homepage.

To Delete a Dashboard Component from the Dashboard:

Note: If your Workspace Administrator has set up an Agent Preference Template for your role to include specific dashboard components, and you delete a component using this method, the component will redisplay on the Dashboard the next time the Workspace Administrator updates the template.

Click the Delete Component button (X) on the dashboard component you want to delete.


To Delete a Dashboard Component from the Preferences > Homepage:


  1. Select the dashboard component, then click the Delete Component button.
  2. To delete all of the dashboard components at once, click the Delete Allbutton.
  3. When you are ready to exit the Homepage, enter your password and click Save

Moving FootPrints Dashboard Components on the Homepage

Dashboard components can be moved around the homepage using drag-and-drop.

Homepage List

By default, My Assignments is chosen as the Homepage list.  The My Assignments selection lists your most recent open assignments and is the recommended choice for most users.  It is the fastest to display and allows you to be continuously updated on your assignments.  However, the user can choose instead to display any built-in or custom list.


The options chosen below are, in effect, on a per-Workspace basis. To change your preferences in another Workspace, change to that Workspace and re-configure the List Preferences.

The options are:


Whichever list you choose as the default, you can always view a different list by choosing another option from the Display drop-down box on the Homepage.


Certain columns are displayed automatically on the Homepage, including Issue number and the Quick Action Checkbox dialog.  Title is also mandatory, but the placement can be selected in the Displayed Fields dialog box.  In addition, by default, My Vote Required is displayed in the Homepage List for those who are designated as approvers to the change manager feature.  The My Vote Required listing cannot be removed from the list.


You can change the order of the columns as they appear on the homepage by dragging and dropping the column headings, e. g., while on the homepage you could grab the Priority heading with your mouse and drag it to the right or left of another heading.

Title Column Format Quick Links Display Result
Include Collapsed Description in Title Always Include Quick Links A collapsed (shortened) version of the Description is included in the Title column and Quick Links are displayed.   Clicking the "more..." link in the Title column displays an expanded version of the Description.
Include Collapsed Description in Title Only Include Quick Links with Expanded Description A collapsed (shortened) version of the Description is included in the Title column and Quick Links are not displayed.   Clicking the “more…” link in the Title column expands the Description and displays the Quick Links.
Include Expanded Description in Title Always Include Quick Links An expanded version of the Description is included in the Title column and Quick Links are displayed.   Clicking the "less..." link collapses the Description
Include Expanded Description in Title Only Include Quick Links with Expanded Description An expanded version of the Description is included in the Title column and Quick Links are displayed.   Clicking the "less..." link collapses the Description and the Quick Links are not displayed.
Do not Include Description in Title Always Include Quick Links Quick Links are displayed in the Title column but the Description is not.   Neither the "more..." nor the "less..." links are displayed with this configuration.